GRI Reporting

GRI Reporting

What is GRI Reporting?

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is the world's most widely used sustainability reporting standards, which cover topics that range from biodiversity to tax, waste to emissions, diversity and equality to health and safety. As such, GRI reporting is the enabler for transparency and dialogue between companies and their stakeholders. 

190 of the 250 largest corporations use GRI Standards to report their sustainability performance. 

Who's this service for?

  • All organisations that want to report on their sustainability impacts
  • Organisations that want to comply with CSRD
  • GRI's approach is comprehesive and as such avoids the need to add additional ESG metrics annually
  • GRI’s Materiality Principle provides a framework for identifying the key environmental, social, and economic impacts your organization has based on the nature of your business.
  • It is very stakeholder centric and thus brings you closer to employees, customers and suppliers 

  • Ease the GRI process with GRI sustainability professionals 
  • Ensure the correct data is being collected
  • Develop a materiality matrix

Why get help with GRI Reporting?

  • Implement reporting processes
  • Assistance to identify key impacts
  • Upskill internal reources
  • Work through the standards to determine what is relevant

  • Provision of familiarisation training
  • Compliance with requirements
  • Support stakeholder engagement

Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want to achieve and we will guide you.. 

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